Country Clipper is pleased to celebrate 30 years of manufacturing joystick controlled zero turn mowers. In 1989, Country Clipper developed the lawn and garden industry’s first joystick operated zero turn mower, catapulting into the zero-turn mower marketplace. After 30 years of mastering the design, Country Clipper remains the industry leader in manufacturing joystick operated machines.

“From introducing the first stand-up deck to joystick control – innovation and experience are what separates us from the competition,” said Carl Shivvers, President of Country Clipper. “We continue to give users the best operating experience with the joystick steering zero turn mower.”

Originally marketed under the Snapper brand name, Country Clipper officially launched the first joystick equipped ZTR in Spring of 1990. While mechanically the machine functioned like the standard twin stick ZTRs of the time, a linkage assembly enabled a single joystick to synchronously operate both wheel motors. When the joystick was pointed diagonally, each wheel motor would engage at just the right proportion to propel the mower diagonally. If the joystick was positioned to the left, the machine would maneuver in a zero turn. It was simple: point the joystick in the direction you want to go, and the mower will do just that.

After instant market success, Country Clipper soon began manufacturing joystick zero turn mowers exclusively under the Country Clipper brand name. Today, Country Clipper proudly offers 20 models of joystick operated machines with more than 30 years of design and user experience.

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